
Sunday 28 October 2012

Management: Both Science and Art

Management is both science as well as art. Like science it has systematic and well-organised body of knowledge and like art it requires personal skill, creativity and practice to apply such knowledge in the best possible way. Science and art are not in contrast to each other; both exist together in every function of management.

 Management as a Profession

Profession can be defined as an occupation backed by specialized knowledge and training, in which is restricted.

The main features of profession are:

1. Well defined Body of knowledge. In every profession there is practice of systematic body of knowledge which helps the professionals to gain specialized knowledge of that profession. In case of management also there is availability of systematic body of knowledge. There are large numbers of books available on management studies. Scholars are studying various business situations and are trying to develop new principles to tackle these situations.

2. Restricted Entry.   The entry to a profession is restricted through an examiner or degree. For example a person can practice as Doctor only when he is having M.B.B.S degree. Whereas there is no legal restriction on appointment of a manager, anyone can become a manager irrespective of the educational qualification. But now many companies prefer to appoint managers only with MBA degree. So presently this feature of profession is not present in management but soon it will be included with statutory backing.

3. Service Motive. The basic motive of every profession is to serve the clients with dedication. Whereas basic purpose of management is achievement of management goal, for example for a business organization the goal can be profit maximization.

But nowadays only profit maximization cannot be the sole goal of an enterprise. To survive in market for a long period of time, a businessman must give due importance to social objectives along with economic objectives. 
So presently this feature of profession is not present but very soon it will be included.

4. Existence Of Ethical Codes.  For every profession there are set of ethical codes fixed by professional organizations and are binding on all the professionals of that profession. In case of management there is growing emphasis on ethical behavior of managers. All India Management Association (AIMA) has devised a code of conduct for Indian managers. But legally it is not compulsory for all the managers to get registered with AIMA and abide by the ethical codes.
So presently this feature of profession is not present in management but very soon it will be included with statutory backing.  

5. Presence Of Professional Associations.  For all the professions, special associations are established and every professional has to get himself registered with his association before practicing that profession. For example, doctors have to get themselves registered with Medical Council of India, lawyers with Bar Council of India etc.

In case of management various management associations are set up at national and international levels which have some membership rules and set of ethical codes, for example, AIMA in New Delhi, National Institute of Personal Management at Calcutta etc., but legally it is not compulsory for managers to become a part of these organizations by registration.

So presently this feature of profession is not present in management but very soon it will be included and get statutory backing also.

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